The Encore ASD Closure Device is a sterile transcatheter device used to occlude an Atrial Septal Defect. A single Encore ASD Closure Device is placed at the interatrial location of the atrial septal defect using standard transvenous interventional cardiology techniques.
The device is fully retrievable in that, in the possible event of device misplacement or embolization, it can be seized with the Encore delivery forceps and readily withdrawn into the delivery sheath for removal.
After release, the device obstructs blood flow through the defect which eliminates the unwanted communication between the left and right atria.
The Encore ASD Closure Device is comprised of two discs with a center section that aligns the device to the center of the defect. The discs are covered with an implantable fabric that helps stop the flow of blood across the defect. Once implanted, new tissue encapsulates the device which remains permanently implanted.
The device is offered in 15 sizes. The size of each device corresponds to the size of the defect intended to be closed. Physicians select the necessary device size for a given defect.
What is an ASD?
An Atrial Septal Defect is a congenital heart defect, or an abnormal hole due to incomplete closure in the septum between the left and right chambers after birth. ASD is a common form of congenital heart disease accounting for approximately 7% of all defects. Twenty-five percent of children with an ASD naturally close by themselves before the child is 2 years old. Those that do not may be suitable for transcatheter closure using the Ultrasept ASD Closure Device.
Encore ASD Closure Device Advantages

Ease to Deployment
Low Profile – measured from the septal wall
Partially of fully retrievable at any point in the procedure
Low Metal Mass
Septal Puncture Friendly
Simple Delivery
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